As you consider the right window coverings for your home, you’re likely to come up against the age-old argument about window valances. After all, they’re more beautiful than function, and given the fact that they can look a bit outdated in many situations, most these days choose not to order window valence options with their window covering choices. That’s a shame because the best valances for windows can actually offer you something a little different. Take a look at a few advantages of adding window valances to your home.
- Added Color: Some spaces just need a bit of color, and when you do that through a valance, you’ll get the look you want without added fabric. You can make your window a focal point without even trying thanks to a valance, and it could be just the bold statement you need in almost any room in your house.
- A Style Shift: Valances come in many shapes and sizes from boxy and sturdy to swag. Often this can mean that you can add a touch of style without overwhelming the room completely. A valance can be an easy-to-implement choice that means you get just want you to want with one simple touch.
- Changing Balance: Have too much going in one space? A valance can help. By drawing the eyes up, you’ll help make any room feel just a little bit bigger, which is a must when you have lots of bold options that seem to overwhelm a smaller space.
- Building Style: Homes and apartments these days are often light on architectural elements, but that doesn’t mean your space has to feel like it’s lacking those elements. Valances can actually add to your window, helping build a feeling of connection and size, even when they don’t really have it.
Think a valance might be right for your home? Contact us at Gallery of Shades today! We create custom window valance ideas for every room in your home.