Choosing the Right Fabric for Your Window Treatments

Soft window treatments, like fabric choices, can be a great window treatment option throughout your home, but selecting the right fabric is difficult. After all, it’s a crucial choice that sets the tone for the entire room. Whether you’re looking for an ornamental print that stands out to a gentle solid that will blend with everything else, getting the right fabric is a must, but the possibilities are endless. Where do you even begin?
Start With The Right Treatment
Many years ago, you had three choices in the world of window treatments – curtains, shades, or blinds. That’s no longer true. Today, those choices are somewhat muddled. You still have curtains, blinds, and shades, but you have fabric shades like Roman shades, motorized shades like Silhouette window treatments from Hunter Douglas that are covered in fabric, and traditional curtains and drapes among many other options. Often homeowners simply grab what might be easiest instead of what might look best, so your fabric choices should actually begin with the choice of the right window treatment. If you’re not sure what might work best in any given room of your home, consult a professional like the designers at Gallery of Shades to understand what’s going to be ideal in every room of your house.
Decide on Light Levels
Once you know what type of window treatment you want, the next step in finding the right fabric is to decide exactly how much light you want streaming in through your windows. If you’re looking for plenty of light, it’s best to go with a lightweight cotton or even a lace. If you need a bit more light control, you’ll want to go with something like a sateen. If you need complete light blocking power, something like a brocade is a better option.
Think Colors and Patterns
Once you know the ideal weight for your fabric, it’s time to think about the colors and patterns that might look good in every room. If you’re going for a complementary option, you want to go with a color that makes sense. You’ll either want to go with a monochromatic look (one that keeps the same color throughout) or one that flows with the options you’ve already chosen. If, though, you’re going for a contrasting look, you want something completely opposite that stands out. This is the same time that you’ll want to think about solid colors or prints. To answer this question, take a closer look at the furnishings in the room. If everything else is a solid color, a print might be the way to bring the room alive! If, though, you already have a fairly busy room, you may want to stick with a simple solid color.
Let Us Help You Find the Right Fabric!
From Hunter Douglas’ motorized Silhouette blinds with lots of fabric options to other soft blinds and Roman shades, we have every window treatment you can imagine ready for your home. For a free in-home consultation or to look at the options in our showroom, give us a call today at 480.643.0014!