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Learning the Benefits of UV Solar Shades in Scottsdale

UV rays – they seem to make the top of the headlines, especially as the warmer months draw near. You’re probably already familiar with the fact that they can damage your skin, but what you may not know is that they can damage the contents of your home too.  In fact, UV rays coming into your home can harm your furniture, your window coverings, and even your flooring. over time, they can fade almost everything, and if you have artwork in a room, you could seriously devalue it by allowing those UV rays in. What can you do to make sure your house isn’t harmed by the abundance of Arizona sunshine? Buy solar shades. Scottsdale residents have relied on the benefits of UV solar shades for years to protect their homes, and an investment like this could protect yours as well.

What are UV Solar Shades?

These unique window coverings are made from a fabric designed to bounce the sun’s rays right off of your windows. They provide not only protection from the UV light, but also heat and glare control. Most even offer you a view to the outside. The best part, though, is that they’re available in many different colors and styles to better meet the style of your home.

The Benefits of UV Solar Shades

The benefits of a window covering choice like this one are incredible. They can block up to 99% of the UV rays that come into your home without really affecting your view to the outside. The chances are good that at least part of the decision you made to buy your home was all of that gorgeous natural light, and these shades allow you to take advantage of the light without harming your home. They’re perfect in today’s home where you want that light in, but you want to ensure the heat and the harmful rays stay out.

Buying Custom Solar Shades in Scottsdale

As with all window treatments, Scottsdale residents love to come to us for UV solar shades. We offer one of the widest selections available today, and we can help you realize the benefits of UV solar shades in your home. Come see what we have to offer today. Or we will come to you. Call today and schedule a free in-home design consultation with one of our designers.

Categories: Solar Shades
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